Build a Box - Custom Boxes | 5 Questions to Ask When Planning Your POP or POS Display

5 Questions to Ask When Planning Your POP or POS Display

Investing in a custom cardboard display is crucial for any business that has its products in a brick-and-mortar store. From cardboard countertop displays to extravagant endcaps, a custom POS display will make shoppers stop and stare (and maybe purchase something that wasn’t on their shopping list). Tapping into the customer’s impulsive buying habits can require a complex understanding of consumer behavior, but asking these five questions to your marketing team and custom cardboard display manufacturer can help you take the first step toward a POP display that will secure more sales and increase brand awareness like never before.

1. Is a custom POP display worth the investment?

This is the question at the top of every company’s mind. When you’re investing in a new avenue, it’s only natural to question what kind of return on investment you are expecting to see. While exact numbers vary, a custom POS display is definitely a worthwhile investment for brands of any size. They can help you increase sales, grow brand awareness, create awareness for a new product launch, grow your market share, help you compete with other brands that have a custom POP display, and much more. Whether you’re just launching your company or you’re a national household name, everyone can benefit from a custom POS display.

2. How much product should go on the display?

This is a more complex question than it may first appear. When deciding how much product to place on your cardboard display stands, you’ll need to consider not only the cost benefits, but also the perceived popularity of your product. You need to fill the display with enough product to offset the cost and secure a worthwhile return. However, you don’t want to overfill your display and risk having your product sit on shelves for too long. Having a near-full display can say to consumers and the retailer that your product isn’t very popular, and therefore it isn’t worth trying or worth selling. Find the sweet spot between cost-effectiveness and perceived demand in order to maximize your return.

Build a Box - Custom Boxes | 5 Questions to Ask When Planning Your POP or POS Display

3. What is the best custom POS display style?

There are virtually endless design possibilities when it comes to a custom POS display, from size and shape to materials and even custom graphics. This makes it a big question, and one of the most important to consider. From cardboard countertop displays to multi-tiered stacking units, there are as many retail display possibilities as there are companies that need them. Work alongside your custom POS display manufacturer to choose the size, shape, material, colors, and inserts needed for your unique product and brand image. 

4. Who is the target audience?

One factor that heavily influences which POS display style to choose is your target demographic. All marketing decisions, including product packaging and retail display design, are about tapping into your consumer’s wants and needs so that they’ll purchase your product in the store versus nearby competitors. Think long and hard about who your target audience is — age, gender, income, hobbies, et cetera — and factor that into your decision-making process when you go about designing the appearance of your custom product display.

5. Which custom POS display manufacturer should I use?

The final question to ask is who to trust with your custom POS display needs. A trustworthy custom packaging provider will help you answer the necessary questions beyond these five starting points and ensure that your POS display turns out exactly as you envisioned it. Build A Box is a leading custom packaging designer and manufacturer with experience in every type of custom product display imaginable. We can have one of our design experts work with you one-on-one to create your perfect custom POP display, or if you already know what you want, you can use our easy and hassle-free online design tool to receive a free quote right away. 

To find out more about our custom POS display capabilities or to enquire about any other custom packaging needs, give Build A Box a call today at (888) 406-1610.